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Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonBiomarkers - new potential method to study highly humified peat componentsHelsingfors universitet2010Projekt information ikonSTEROX- Plant steryl esters as food components: significance of oxidation reactionsHelsingfors universitet2007Projekt information ikonHealthy milk: Key Components of Milk Hygiene from Farm to ConsumerNaturresursinstitutet2011Projekt information ikonImproved analytical tools for the detection of harmful food components (Myco-DETECT)Livsmedelsverket2010Projekt information ikonUtilization of Nordic Pine Wood in the manufacture of wooden components for aircraft productionNaturresursinstitutet2019Projekt information ikonEvaluating the Prevalence and Characteristics of Chlamydia pneumoniae, Its Structural Components and Infection-Induced Leukocyte-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in the Blood of Finnish Blood DonorsHelsingfors universitet2023