Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility
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The research infrastructure (RI) ‘Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility – FinBIF' ( accelerates the digitisation, mobilisation, and open-access distribution of biodiversity data to support research, governance, education, and business. The proposed project constitutes the third construction cycle of FinBIF. The project's theme is ‘Expansion, Integration, and Development of AI-Based Research Services'. Data mobilisation will be enhanced by digitising two more natural history collections, completing the reference library of DNA barcodes of Finnish species and building a trait database of Finnish species. FinBIF will be integrated with other RIs in the environmental domain through the Finnish Ecosystem Observatory. AI will be applied to enriching FinBIF-mediated data, extracting further information from it and providing research services for automated species identification. FinBIF enables scientific breakthrough at a rate matching the urgency of saving biodiversity.
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Beviljade finansiering
Rollen i Finlands Akademis konsortium
Finlands Akademi
Typ av finansiering
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Finansieringsbeslutets nummer
Ekologi, evolutionsbiologi
Ekologia, evoluutiobiologia ja ekofysiologia