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Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonHyaena Distribution Mapping ProjectHelsingfors universitet-Projekt information ikonShotgun sequencing and mapping the barley genomeNaturresursinstitutet2010Projekt information ikonMapping rare forest characteristics using remote sensing material and field dataHelsingfors universitet2007Projekt information ikonMAPPING, MANAGEMENT AND RESILIENCE OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES FOR FOOD SECURITY AND RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN ETHIOPIANaturresursinstitutet2013Projekt information ikonMAPPING, MANAGEMENT AND RESILIENCE OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES FOR FOOD SECURITY AND RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN ETHIOPIAHelsingfors universitet2014Projekt information ikonBlue Carbon Habitats - a comprehensive mapping of Nordic salt marshes for estimating Blue Carbon storage potential -a pilot studyFinlands miljöcentral2021Projekt information ikonMAPPING, MANAGEMENT AND RESILIENCE OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES FOR FOOD SECURITY AND RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN ETHIOPIA 2013-2017Helsingfors universitet2013Projekt information ikonThe Advanced Techniques for Forest Biomass and Biomass Change Mapping Using Novel Combination of Active Remote Sensing Sensors (Advanced_SAR)Lantmäteriverket2014Projekt information ikonDeveloping mapping and modeling approaches as a part of flood risk management business (GIFLOOD)Finlands miljöcentral2009Projekt information ikonDevelopment of pan-European Multi-Sensor Snow Mapping Methods Exploiting Sentinel-1 (S1-4Sci Snow)Finlands miljöcentral2016