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Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonIntegrated assessment modelling of global change impacts and adaptation (FINESSI)Finlands miljöcentral2003Projekt information ikonOrganic matter decomposition in peatlands, and its responses to global changeHelsingfors universitet2004Projekt information ikonKilimanjaro ecosystems under global change: Linking biodiversity, biotic interactions and biogeochemical ecosystem processesHelsingfors universitet2012Projekt information ikonGlobal drivers, local consequences: Tools for global change adaptation and sustainable development of industrial and cultural Arctic hubs (ArcticHubs)Naturresursinstitutet2020Projekt information ikonUnravelling the mechanisms of the soil “microbial carbon pumpâ€? - soil C sequestration under global changeHelsingfors universitet2018Projekt information ikonCAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE BREEDING PROGRAMS IN VIETNAM ? SPECIAL FOCUS ON GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYNaturresursinstitutet2014Projekt information ikonCAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE BREEDING PROGRAMS IN VIETNAM â?? SPECIAL FOCUS ON GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYNaturresursinstitutet2014Projekt information ikonCapacity building for the development of selective breeding programs in Vietnam ─ special focus on global climate change and environmental sustainabilityNaturresursinstitutet2013