Resultaten visas 1 - 10 / 13
resultat / per sida
Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonEuropean Location Framework (ELF)Lantmäteriverket2013Projekt information ikonSustainable bioeconomy: holistic multi-criteria assessment frameworkNaturresursinstitutet2018Projekt information ikonFramework agreement for project planning and evaluation assignments in the Western BalkansFinlands miljöcentral2008Projekt information ikonPathFinder - Towards an integrated consistent European LULUCF monitoring and policy pathway assessment frameworkNaturresursinstitutet2022Projekt information ikonFramework for developing companies’ environmental life-cycle impactsFinlands miljöcentral2015Projekt information ikonLife Cycle Assessment Framework and Tools for Finnish Companies (FINLCA)Finlands miljöcentral2009Projekt information ikonPreparing for the EU Soil Framework Directive by optimal use of Information and Communication Technology across EuropeHelsingfors universitet2011Projekt information ikonSupport Grant for the Galileo Reference Centre as part of the Framework Partnership Agreement GSA/GRANT/04/2016Lantmäteriverket2020Projekt information ikonEC DG ENV - Framework contract for services related to coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approachFinlands miljöcentral2013Projekt information ikonMonitoring required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSD) ? coastal fish species and seabirdsNaturresursinstitutet2012