Resultaten visas 1 - 8 / 8
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Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonA quantitative food web for the High ArcticHelsingfors universitet2011Projekt information ikonThe role of zooplankton in the food web of Lake VesijärviHelsingfors universitet2015Projekt information ikonThe effects of water quality and invertebrate predators on food web management of lakesHelsingfors universitet2007Projekt information ikonBlue Growth boundaries in novel Baltic food webs - BONUS BLUEWEBSFinlands miljöcentral2017Projekt information ikonThe changes in the the structure and functioning of the food web of the Enonselkä during 2010-2013Helsingfors universitet2009Projekt information ikonTowards a generic, mechanistic plankton food web model for the northern Baltic Sea (DHYBRIS)Finlands miljöcentral2011Projekt information ikonVesijärven Enonselän ravintoverkon rakenne ja toiminta sekö niissä tapahtuvat muutokset vuosina 2009-2013 (The dynamics of food-web in Lake Vesijärvi and its possible changes in 2009-2013)Helsingfors universitet2009Projekt information ikonImpacts of Terrestrial Organic Matter Loading on Lake Food Webs and Human Health - Challenges for Environmental Regulation (TERLA consortium)Finlands miljöcentral2012