Resultaten visas 1 - 10 / 13
resultat / per sida
Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonEnvironmental impacts of seabed exploitationHelsingfors universitet2017Projekt information ikonEnvironmental impacts of cultured meatHelsingfors universitet2019Projekt information ikonSynergies and trade-offs between carbon footprint and other environmental impacts of buildings (SynTra)Finlands miljöcentral2021Projekt information ikonBiohiili, kiertotalous ja metsätalouden vesistöhaittojen torjunta (Biochar, circular economy and the reduction of environmental impacts of forestry)Helsingfors universitet2018Projekt information ikonConnecting the animal genome, gastrointestinal microbiomes and nutrition to improve digestion efficiency and the environmental impacts of ruminant livestock productionNaturresursinstitutet2012Projekt information ikonDevelopment and application of new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes in the EUNaturresursinstitutet2013Projekt information ikonThe importance of building materials in the environmental impacts of constructionFinlands miljöcentral2012Projekt information ikonThe discharge and environmental impacts of SBR granules from artificial turfs (TEKONURMI)Finlands miljöcentral2019Projekt information ikonEnvironmental impacts of material flows caused by the Finnish economy (ENVIMAT) (2006-2008)Finlands miljöcentral2006Projekt information ikonMicrofluidic in vitro tools for studying human drug metabolism and understanding its impacts on the environmental healthHelsingfors universitet2016