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Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonDigitally mediated decarbon communities in energy transition DigiDecarbonFinlands miljöcentral2022Projekt information ikonIntermediaries in the energy transition: The invisible work of creating markets for sustainable energy solutions (TRIPOD)Finlands miljöcentral2015Projekt information ikonTowards a future-oriented “Energiewendeâ€?: An anticipatory multi-level approach to the decentralised renewable energy transition (FutWend)Finlands miljöcentral2016Projekt information ikonEating and Energy Use Reconfigured? Disruptions and Novel Transition Pathways in Food and Energy SystemsHelsingfors universitet2018Projekt information ikonEGT-TWINN – Enhancing Research Capacity at the Geological Survey of Estonia to Accelerate the Country’s Transition to Green EnergyGeologiska forskningscentralen2023