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Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonVACCIA Vulnerability assessment of ecosystem services for climate change impacts and adaptationHelsingfors universitet2009Projekt information ikonVulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (VACCIA)Finlands miljöcentral2009Projekt information ikonNOFOGRASS: Impacts of Climate Change in Nordic Primary IndustriesHelsingfors universitet2012Projekt information ikonImpacts of climate change on Arctic environment, ecosystem services and society (Korhola, A.); WP5 Impacts of climate change on Arctic freshwater ecosystemsHelsingfors universitet2011Projekt information ikonImpacts of climate change on Arctic peatland functioning and ecologyHelsingfors universitet2011Projekt information ikonIMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ARCTIC ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AND SOCIETYHelsingfors universitet2011Projekt information ikonCleF: The combined impacts of invasion and climate change on coastal ecosystem functioningHelsingfors universitet2010Projekt information ikonAdaptation of the food sector and socio-economic impacts of climate change in North-East EuropeNaturresursinstitutet2012Projekt information ikonImpacts of climate change on multiple ecosystem services: Processes and adaption options at landscape scales (CLIMES)Finlands miljöcentral2012Projekt information ikonMitigating the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in the Barents Region, BARIMS, 1st phaseFinlands miljöcentral2020