Resultaten visas 1 - 7 / 7
resultat / per sida
Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonLennokeista ympäristönseurannan liiketoimintaa - Tohmajärvi UAVNaturresursinstitutet2016Projekt information ikonTowards knowledge based export of small UAS remote sensing technologyNaturresursinstitutet2016Projekt information ikonAirborne Monitoring Tools for Arctic and Baltic Sea Environment (UAV-ARCTIC)Finlands miljöcentral2016Projekt information ikonMiehittämättömiin ilma-aluksiin perustuva 4D kaukokartoitus sademetsän biodiversiteetin ja sen muutoksen kaukokartoitukseen Brasiliassa (UAV_4D_Bio)Lantmäteriverket2014Projekt information ikonDroneKnowledge T2 - Towards knowledge based export of small UAS remote sensing technology T2Naturresursinstitutet2017Projekt information ikonUAV-MEMO - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Mineral Explration and Mining Operations in the Arctic Areas of FinlandGeologiska forskningscentralen2015Projekt information ikonMobile Forest Tomography - Interaction of Lidar/Radar Beams with Forests Using Mini-UAV and Mobile Forest TomographyLantmäteriverket2012