Resultaten visas 1 - 10 / 11
resultat / per sida
Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonEvolutionary physiology of thermal performance in Atlantic salmonNaturresursinstitutet2022Projekt information ikonINDECO, Developing Indicators of Environmental Performance of the Common Fisheries PolicyNaturresursinstitutet2005Projekt information ikonHuman rights performance status of Finnish companies (SIHTI) /Suomalaisyritysten ihmisoikeussuoriutumisen tila (SIHTI)Helsingfors universitet2020Projekt information ikonSwimming training and cardiovascular performance of fish: challenges of global warming in aquacultureNaturresursinstitutet2022Projekt information ikonPlastLIFE - T6.3 Developing novel, alternative bio-based packaging materials and solutions with performance assessmentNaturresursinstitutet2023Projekt information ikonData-driven approach for development of recycling ecosystem and advanced modelling of environmental performance (DREAM)Finlands miljöcentral2023Projekt information ikonSoil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increaseNaturresursinstitutet2019Projekt information ikonGEMOP: Galileo and EGNOS Monitoring Of Performances by Member StatesLantmäteriverket2023Projekt information ikonPotentials to increase performance of the usage of natural resource and energy, development assessments and effects on national economy by 2020 (MATPOT)Finlands miljöcentral2012Projekt information ikonSoil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increase WP1: Consortium coordination and project managementNaturresursinstitutet2019