Resultaten visas 1 - 10 / 13
resultat / per sida
Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonBaltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society ImplementationNaturresursinstitutet2010Projekt information ikonThe Feasibility Study for the Implementation of the CF PADINaturresursinstitutet2016Projekt information ikonPRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPLETE PROJECT OUTPUTS AND TOOLS (COMPLETE PLUS)Finlands miljöcentral2021Projekt information ikonGreen, Bio, Circular economy: synergies, limits and implementation in the private sectorHelsingfors universitet2016Projekt information ikonNeeds Assessment for the Effective Implementation of the Environmental Conservation Law in MyanmarFinlands miljöcentral2015Projekt information ikonImplementation and Demonstration of Peatland Restoration Measures for Climate Change Mitigation in the Baltic Sea RegionNaturresursinstitutet2022Projekt information ikonImplementation and Demonstration of Peatland Restoration Measures for Climate Change Mitigation in the Baltic Sea Region WP6Naturresursinstitutet2022Projekt information ikonEEEN2020: 8th European Environmental Evaluators Network Forum - Environmental Evaluation Supporting the Implementation of SDGs and Transformative PolicymakingFinlands miljöcentral2020Projekt information ikonStrengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the acquis in the field of nature protection in the North MacedoniaFinlands miljöcentral2017Projekt information ikonSupport to the implementation of EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security &Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA)Naturresursinstitutet2018