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Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonLong term follow-up of femur head osteotomy in dogsHelsingfors universitet2013Projekt information ikonDevelopmental plasticity of head meristems in Asteraceae, Academy of Finland 341774Helsingfors universitet2021Projekt information ikonGenokaura - genomic selection for Fusarium head blight resistant oat cultivars/ genomivalinnalla puhahomeen kestäviä kauralajikkeitaHelsingfors universitet-Projekt information ikonWorkshop for the future of the Baltic Sea whitefish stocks - Heading for sustainable resources and natural reproductionNaturresursinstitutet2016Projekt information ikonEMODNet2 Lot 2 Seabed Habitats: Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data NetworkFinlands miljöcentral2017Projekt information ikonManagement of Horizontal Activities and Support to the Regional Euro-Mediterranean Programme for the Environment (SMAP)Finlands miljöcentral2003Projekt information ikonRegional Monitoring and Supervision Unit (RMSU) to provide Monitoring, Collection and Dissemination of Results of the MEDA Water ProjectsFinlands miljöcentral2005Projekt information ikonTowards Enhanced Protection of the Baltic Sea from Main Land-based Threats: Agricultural Waste Component & Hazardous Waste Component, Balthazar IFinlands miljöcentral2009Projekt information ikonHydrological, Environmental and Socio-economic Modelling Tools for the Lower Mekong Basin Impact Assessment. Vietnam, Laos, CambodiaFinlands miljöcentral2001Projekt information ikonBuilding Capacity within Environmental Monitoring to Produce Pollution Load Data from Different Sources for HELCOM Pollution Load Compilations, Balthazar IIFinlands miljöcentral2011