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Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonWide Area RTK Based on EGNOS and Galileo (WARTK)Lantmäteriverket2005Projekt information ikonBarents Protected Area Network BPANFinlands miljöcentral2011Projekt information ikonWorkshop on marine protected area (MPA) networks in a changing Arctic climateFinlands miljöcentral2017Projekt information ikon'REMOTE Renewable Energy Training and Demonstration Network for Remote Communities in the NPP AreaNaturresursinstitutet2012Projekt information ikon. Socioeconomics of small-scale fisheries in Datça-Bozburun Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA), (Eastern Mediterranean), Turkey. Funded by United Nations Development Program under the project PIMS 3697: Strengthening Protected Area Network of Turkey: Catalyzing Sustainability of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas.Helsingfors universitet-Projekt information ikonTowards coherent protected area network in Finland (KOKASU)Finlands miljöcentral2021Projekt information ikonExpert services for the neighbouring area co-operation of the Ministry of the Environment (Russia)Finlands miljöcentral2008Projekt information ikonDetermination of Recreational Use Value of Marine Protected Areas: Ayvalık Islands Marine Protected Area Case. Ege University Scientific Research Project, Project No: 2010/SÃœF/021Helsingfors universitet-Projekt information ikonIntroduction of environmentally friendly agriculture system as the basis for sustainable development of cross-border rural area 01Naturresursinstitutet2019Projekt information ikonOther Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECM) - Aineistojen tarkastelu ja raportoinnin kehittäminen osana EU:n BD strategian sitoumusten toimeenpanoaFinlands miljöcentral2023