Resultaten visas 1 - 5 / 5
resultat / per sida
Projektets namn
Projekt information ikonFramework agreement for project planning and evaluation assignments in the Western BalkansFinlands miljöcentral2008Projekt information ikonSupport Grant for the Galileo Reference Centre as part of the Framework Partnership Agreement GSA/GRANT/04/2016Lantmäteriverket2020Projekt information ikonFinnish material flow analysis and scenario work on the use of natural resources in support of circular economy agreementFinlands miljöcentral2022Projekt information ikonEuropean Network of Agricultural and Rural Policy Research Institutes (ENARPRI) - Thematic Network on Trade Agreements and European AgricultureNaturresursinstitutet2003Projekt information ikonThe forestry sector as an inequality machine? Agents, agreements and global politics of trade and investment in the Congo BasinHelsingfors universitet2020