Game and ecology of the agricultural environment
The main goals of the project are:
? To model landscape structure and climate factors explaining the occurrence, abundance and dynamics of game species using field triangle and wildlife triangle count data (especially in the case of the European roe deer).
? To conduct modelling assessing the game values and biodiversity of the agricultural environment. In particular, the effects of fallow, buffer strips and buffer zones as well as wetlands established with the support of agri-environmental aid will be assessed.
? To create experimental designs to study the significance of buffer margins and biodiversity zones as a precondition for the successful management of partridge populations, in particular, and in view of the mid-term review of the agri-environmental programme in 2010 and the consequent revision of the programme.
? To study how Finnish agricultural policy in times past has affected the agricultural environment and to create scenarios of the future.
Ansvarig organisation
Ursprunglig organisation
Vilt- och fiskeriforskningsinstitutet
Tiainen Juha
Övriga uppgifter
Agricultural environment, Ekosysteemin vuorovaikutussuhteet, Elinympäristöt, Elinympäristöt ja monimuotoisuus, Game, Game birds, Game mammals, Habitats, Habitats and biodiversity, Interaction in the ecosystem, Maatalousympäristö, Riista, Riistalinnut, Riistanisäkkäät