Assessment of threatened fish species (Fish Atlas)

Assessment of threatened fish species (Fish Atlas)


The aim of the Finnish Fish Stock Register is to create as comprehensive and up-to-date a register as possible on the distribution of commercially exploited fish species and their status and current management measures in Finland.


Ansvarig organisation

Ursprunglig organisation

Vilt- och fiskeriforskningsinstitutet


Koljonen Marja-Liisa

Relaterade organisationer

Finlands miljöcentral
Lapin ELY-keskus / Elinkeinot
Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE)


Resultat och påverkan

The register?s information on 30 fish species and two crayfish species, including maps of their distribution areas, has been published in Finnish and English. In 2013, information on the occurrence of 10 fish species and the noble crayfish occurring in Finland that are of community interest was updated for the report required by the EU?s Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC, Article 17), and the conservation status of these species was assessed using the criteria set for a favourable conservation status. The species assessed were: asp (Aspius aspius), spined loach (Cobitis taenia), vendace (Coregonus albula), whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), bullhead (Cottus gobio), lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis), brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri), ziege (Pelecus cultratus), salmon (Salmo salar), grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and noble crayfish (Astacus astacus). The status of all species, except for whitefish and grayling, was favourable in sea areas. For example, information on these species in the register of experimental electrofishing and in the register on sampling of fish with multi-mesh gillnets included in the Hertta system was examined. Based on the information on the occurrence of the species, maps of their areas of occupancy and distribution areas were produced using the RangeTool, as required by the directive. The information will be used to produce distribution maps as a web service, to plan the exploitation, management and conservation of fish stocks, to monitor changes in the status of fish stocks, and to study the reasons for these changes. The Finnish Fish Atlas constitutes one of the ways in which the information is published.

Övriga uppgifter


Ahven, Ankerias, Asp, Baltic herring, Baltic vimba, Bream, Bron trout, Burpot, Carp, Cod, Distribution, Eel, Elinympäristöt ja monimuotoisuus, Esiintyminen, Fish species, Flounder, Fourhorned sculpin, Grayling, Habitats and biodiversity, Harjus, Harmaanieriä, Hauki, Härkäsimppu, Ide, Kalalajit, Kampela, Kannanarviointi, Karppi, Kiiski, Kilohaili, Kirjolohi, Kuha, Lahna, Lake trout, Levinneisyys, Lohi, Made, Muikku, Occurrence, Perch, Pike, Pikeperch, Rainbow trout, Range, Rouch, Ruffe, Salmon, Siika, Silakka, Sprat, Stock assessment, Suutari, Särki, Säyne, Taimen, Tench, Threat status, Toutain, Turska, Uhanalaisuus, Vendace, Whitefish, Vimpa