Monitoring of fish communities and ecological classification of surface waters
The EU?s Water Framework Directive and the Finnish Act on Water Resources Management based on it assign the following duties to the FGFRI: surveillance monitoring of fish communities in lakes and rivers and the operational monitoring of diffuse pollution from agriculture and forestry, as well as ecological classification based on information on fish communities, which is carried out in cooperation with the Fisheries Units of the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and Finland?s environmental administration. This project implements the monitoring duties required by the WFD.
Ansvarig organisation
Ursprunglig organisation
Vilt- och fiskeriforskningsinstitutet
Ruuhijärvi Jukka
Relaterade organisationer
Åbo universitet
Finlands miljöcentral
Lapin ELY-keskus / Elinkeinot
Resultat och påverkan
The classification is reported as part of the water resources management plans, which, after a consultation beginning in autumn 2014 and subsequent revision, will be approved by the government and sent to the European Commission as a report on the status of Finnish waters.
Övriga uppgifter
Classification of waters, Elinympäristöt ja monimuotoisuus, Fish communitie, Habitats and biodiversity, Kalayhteisöt, Vesien luokittelu