Safeguarding the Saimaa ringed seal






The objectives of the project are to improve the conservation status of the critically endangered Saimaa ringed seal with various measures. Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute carries out following actions: ? analysis of the amount and type of recreational fishing in the Saimaa ringed seal area ? assessment of the causes of death and survival rate of Saimaa seal - Incidental by - catch estimation ? monitoring water owners? and fishermen?s attitudes towards Saimaa ringed seal and its? conservation, especially fishing restrictions ? developing seal friendly fyke nets for professional fishing. The South Savo Regional Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment is responsible for the action.


Ansvarig organisation

Ursprunglig organisation

Vilt- och fiskeriforskningsinstitutet


Kolari Irma

Relaterade organisationer

Åbo universitet
Suomen Luonto -lehti / Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto ry
Lapin ELY-keskus / Elinkeinot
Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE)
Maailman Luonnon Säätiö WWF, Suomen rahasto sr – Heidi Anderssonin rahasto
Raija ja Ossi Tuuliaisen Säätiö
and the Finnish Federation for Recreational Fishing.


Resultat och påverkan

The results of the project will be utilized by those responsible for Saimaa seal conservation and technical fishing regulations, like the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, fishery governance, professional fishermen, 400 000 recreational fishermen, as well as local residents and summer cottage owners. The results of the project will be used for the next update of fishing regulations and the conservation strategy for Saimaa ringed seal in 2015-2017.

Övriga uppgifter


Ammattikalastus, Conservation, Incidental by-catch, Luonnonvarojen käytön yhteensovittaminen, Norppaystävällinen pyydys, Saimaa ringed seal, Saimaannorppa, Seal-friendly fyke net professional fisheries recreational fisheries survival, Sivusaaliskuolleisuus, Suhtautuminen, Suojelu, Vapaa-ajankalastus