First integration of tree-ring chronologies, annually laminated sediment records and historical data for palaeoclimate reconstructions of seasonal temperature and precipitation variability in northern Europe






The FIRST consortium will investigate the past variations in the seasonal temperature and precipitation history in northern Europe over the Common Era. New reconstructions of seasonal temperature and precipitation variability will be produced using the indirect (proxy) estimates of climate variability. FIRST consortium represent the first effort in which such a collection of annual resolved proxy records will be integrated into palaeoclimate reconstructions. Tree-ring data and annually laminated sediment records will be produced for regions where historically old materials are available. Phenological records will be complied from historical to digitized formats. The integrated reconstructions of seasonal temperature and precipitation variability will be analysed to reveal the role of forcing factors and atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns responsible to past and recent climatic events and trends.


Ansvarig organisation


Helama, Samuli

Relaterade organisationer

Åbo universitet