Integrated modelling of agrifood systems (IAM-Tools)
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Resultat och påverkan
Julkaisu:PALOSUO, T., RÃ?TTER, R.P., LEHTONEN, H., KAHILUOTO, H., AAKKULA, J., HELIN, J., SALO, T., HELENIUS, J., GRANLUND, J.K., RANKINEN, K., CARTER, T. 2009. A modelling framework for the assessment of the impacts of alternative policy and management options on the sustainability of Finnish agrifood systems. In: Shape your sustainability tools - and let your tools shape you, 23-24 September 2009, Uppsala, Sweden. p. 2-11 Url
Övriga uppgifter
Adaptation, Adaptive management, Agricultural sector modelling, Agronomic practices, Agro-technologies, Climate change impacts, Crop simulation models, Farm type modelling, Grid-based soil-plant modelling system for finland, Integrated assessment of agricultural systems, Mitigation, Multi-scale analyses, Nutrient emissions, Optimization, Policies, Resource asssessment, Scenario analysis, Soil process models, Water pollution