Merilehto, JuhaniJyväskylän ammattikorkeakouluExpert, Data and Statistic analysis-Sundell, TaaviMIGDIA -project, Finnish Institute in the Middle East, Helsingfors universitetPostdoctoral researcher, Coordinator, Rhetoric-Performative Post- Foundational Analysis in Social Sciences and Humanities -course, Coordinator, Politics and Numbers: Global Governance and Policy Instruments -project, Part-time lecturer, graduate course Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Coordinator, Post-Foundational Discourse Theory in Humanities and Social Science Research -course, Teaching assistant, undergraduate course Foundations of Political Thought, Teaching assistant, graduate course Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Research assistant, Research secretary, Teaching assistant, undergraduate course Introduction to World Politics, Teaching assistant, graduate course Contesting Global Power, Researcher-
MIGDIA -project, Finnish Institute in the Middle East, Helsingfors universitet
Postdoctoral researcher, Coordinator, Rhetoric-Performative Post- Foundational Analysis in Social Sciences and Humanities -course, Coordinator, Politics and Numbers: Global Governance and Policy Instruments -project, Part-time lecturer, graduate course Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Coordinator, Post-Foundational Discourse Theory in Humanities and Social Science Research -course, Teaching assistant, undergraduate course Foundations of Political Thought, Teaching assistant, graduate course Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Research assistant, Research secretary, Teaching assistant, undergraduate course Introduction to World Politics, Teaching assistant, graduate course Contesting Global Power, Researcher