Mynttinen, MariLAB-ammattikorkeakoulu, HUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, Siun SOTE - Pohjois-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kuntayhtymä, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, North Karelia Central Hospital and Honkalampi Centre, Municipal Education and Training Consortium of South-KareliaResearch lecturer, Health and wellbeing, Project researcher, Project expert, teacher in health and nursing issues, PROJECT RESEARCHER, research assistant, EXPERT OF CLINICAL NURSING, TEACHER (health education and exercise)adolescents, alcohol, parental involvement, family support, health choices
LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu, HUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, Siun SOTE - Pohjois-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kuntayhtymä, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, North Karelia Central Hospital and Honkalampi Centre, Municipal Education and Training Consortium of South-Karelia
Research lecturer, Health and wellbeing, Project researcher, Project expert, teacher in health and nursing issues, PROJECT RESEARCHER, research assistant, EXPERT OF CLINICAL NURSING, TEACHER (health education and exercise)
adolescents, alcohol, parental involvement, family support, health choices