Ribeiro, Andre
Beskrivning av forsknings
Andre Sanches Ribeiro graduated in Physics, University of Lisbon, Portugal in 1999. He has a PhD from IST, University Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal (2004), on information propagation in networks. From 2004 to 2007, he worked as a Postdoc at Calgary University, Canada, where he developed dynamic models of gene networks. Currently, he is a tenured Professor and the PI of the Laboratory of Biosystem Dynamics (LBD), at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology (MET), Tampere University, Finland. Presently, the LBD focuses on regulatory mechanisms of gene expression at the single-gene and at the network level in Escherichia coli. The LBD uses single-cell, single-molecule in vivo microscopy, flow cytometry, and RNAseq, along with state-of-the-art signal processing and stochastic modelling of genetic circuits. In addition, the group develops synthetic genes from models and live single-cell measurements.Nyckelord
Gene Expression, Genetic Circuits, Information propagation, Learning and BehaviorAffiliering
Tammerfors universitet
Källa: ORCID
Professor (tenured) 2017 -
Graduated 1.9.1994 - 31.8.1999 / University of Lisbon
PhD in Physics Engineering 2000 - 2004 / Instituto Superior Tecnico, Technical University of Lisbon
Publikationer (98)
Surface modification of silicate, borosilicate, and phosphate bioactive glasses to improve/control protein adsorption
Alteration of DNA supercoiling serves as a trigger of short-term cold shock repressed genes of E. coli
Analytical kinetic model of native tandem promoters in E. coli
Chauhan, Vatsala; Bahrudeen, Mohamed N.M.; Palma, Cristina S.D.; Baptista, Ines S.C.; Almeida, Bilena L.B.; Dash, Suchintak; Kandavalli, Vinodh; Ribeiro, Andre S.
PLoS Computational Biology