Euclid cosmology mission



Beskrivning av infrastrukturen

Euclid is the ESA's (European Space Agency) next cosmology satellite and its most important cosmology project over the next decade. The Euclid satellite and the Euclid Science Ground Segment (SGS), comprising Euclid's national data centres, form a major European research infrastructure. Its purpose is to solve the socalled dark energy problem – why the expansion of the Universe is accelerating and whether this is caused by dark energy filling space or whether it is due to a deviation in the laws of gravity from the general theory of relativity. Euclid will also study the distribution of dark matter throughout the Universe and contribute to the investigation of the nature of dark matter and the origin of the structure of the Universe. Euclid will produce a 3-dimensional map of the universe, both galaxies and dark matter, and a galaxy catalogue conatining billions of galaxies. As Finland's ESA partner, the University of Helsinki coordinates Finland's participation in the Euclid research infrastructure. In addition, research groups from the universities of Helsinki, Turku and Jyväskylä, and from Aalto University are involved in the project. CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd is also a participant in Finland's Euclid collaboration. As a member of the Euclid research infrastructure, Finland will participate in the Science Ground Segment (SGS) of the Euclid mission by developing data analysis methods, participating in the analysis of Euclid data and equipping one of Euclid's science data centres.

Vetenskaplig beskrivning

Verksamheten har inletts


Verksamheten har upphört


Ansvarig organisation

Helsingfors universitet


Euclid, cosmology, dark energy, dark matter

Forskningsinfrastrukturens tjänster

The hardware and software for Euclid data analysis

Distribution of Euclid data

Övriga uppgifter








Euclid-konsortion kansalliset yhteystiedot

