AI Innovation Hub
Beskrivning av infrastrukturen
The AI Innovation Hub is located at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, and it is one of the six Innovation Hubs that form the Innovation Ecosystem of Ulysseus European University. At the AI Innovation Hub, we aim to focus on the adoption of AI opportunities to various domains. Thus, we exploit the emergence of data and AI innovations, such as machine learning, expert systems, social robots, natural language processing and data analysis, in a business, service and educational context. Also, we encourage students to participate in business cooperation (spin-offs, start-ups and general industry players) as well as to explore models of collaboration within AI business ecosystems and industry (business cases, development of digital service projects, MVPs, etc.).
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Ansvarig organisation
Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu
Innovation, AI
Forskningsinfrastrukturens tjänster
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