Drinking water remediation onto redox heterogenous photo-electrocatalysis using perovskites-Fe3O4 impregnated carbon dot electrodes
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The quality of drinking water is affected by many factors, such as raw water (soil, basin), water treatment techniques (sedimentation, filtration, disinfection), network (materials, biofilm), and use (flow). In Finland, 70% of drinking water is supplied from groundwater. In certain areas, the geology and rock types, in particular, cause radon, fluoride, and arsenic to occur in elevated concentrations in groundwater, especially in drilled wells, in which the concentrations of many naturally occurring elements are commonly higher than in dug wells. 30% of drinking water comes from surface water and normally contains mineral salts, toxic metals, microbes, and an abundance of organic substances. Groundwater and surface water are always treated before it is fed into the distribution network because the quality of water as such does not qualify for the regulations and recommendations given for drinking water. Traditional drinking water treatment plants are not that efficient and consume lots of energy and chemicals (aluminum sulfate, Lime, Sodium hypochlorite, and ammonia) to meet the accurate drinking water standards in Finland.
The proposed study is to synthesize heterogeneous novel catalytic material for electrode fabrication, to treat the drinking water by electrochemical method. The investigation of the synergism of light with electrochemical methods and its effect on the redox activity of the heterogenous catalytic material will be very helpful to solve the problems of traditional treatment methods and make this process cost-effective. It will also act positively on the disinfection of drinking water in the era of coronavirus and provide safe and healthy drinking water.
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24 000 €
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Arsenic removal, electrocatalytic method, heterogenous catalysis, redox potential, Drinking Water