Towards better hearing: Improving hearing rehabilitation through evidence-based renewal of clinical practice

Bidragets beskrivning

The goal of the "Towards better hearing" project is to improve hearing rehabilitation with hearing aids and cochlear implants by adopting evidence-based treatment strategies. The research group under the direction of Aarno Dietz has developed modern speech audiometric tests, which simulate everyday listening situations so that the hearing performance can be objectively measured. With the application of these tests it is possible to monitor and to control the rehabilitation results. The second aim is to develop cochlear implant surgery to preserve intracochlear integrity and thus providing patients with a best possible hearing outcome. This includes novel state-of-the-art imaging methods for detecting postoperative inner ear trauma and in-vitro electrode research. In combination with the development of new sophisticated surgical techniques, that can also be applied in local anesthesia, this research intents to make cochlear implant surgery more safe thus expanding its utilization.
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Beviljade finansiering

Aarno Joseph Dietz Orcid -palvelun logo
95 566 €


Finlands Akademi

Typ av finansiering

Akademiprojekt med särskild inriktning

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Identifierade teman

health care