Tutkijat maailmalle program

Tutkijat maailmalle program


1.3.2023 - 14.4.2023 kl. 23:59


The Tutkijat maailmalle program offers grants for technical and commercial research abroad. The program aims to support technical and commercial researchers who travel abroad to carry out ambitious research at high-level universities or research institutions. Grant funding can also be awarded for doctoral research or to postdocs at the start of their career. Researchers working in companies may also apply for a grant. The foundations’ shared goal is to improve operational preconditions for Finnish industry and business by encouraging researchers towards diverse and international career development in the commercial, scientific and technological fields. Each year, around 450,000 euros of funding is available for research carried out abroad. The awarded sum is primarily calculated to cover additional costs incurred by a research visit lasting 6-12 months, such as travel, moving and housing expenses, plus children's school fees and insurance. A work grant meant for covering living costs may also be included in the overall funding if an applicant has no other funding to safeguard their income, such as a salary paid by the host institution or a Finnish employer. The maximum amount of a grant is €50,000. Grants are not awarded for research into medicine, (public) economics, or architecture. The applicant must be a Finnish citizen or hold permanent residence in Finland.
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NaturvetenskaperData- och informationsvetenskapSamhälls-, ekonomi- och beteendevetenskaperFöretagsekonomiTeknikArkitektur, Byggnads- och samhällsteknik, El-, automations- och telekommunikationsteknik, elektronik, Industriell bioteknologi, Maskin- och produktionsteknik, Materialteknik, Medicinsk teknik, Miljöbioteknologi, Miljöteknik, Nanoteknologi, Teknisk kemi, kemisk processteknik
Tutkijat maailmalle program - Forskning.fi