Digitalisation of Everyday Life in Finland 2017-2018


The survey charted the use of digital devices, social media, and online services in Finland. Main themes of the survey also included societal values, civic participation, social relationships, and well-being. Media use was investigated with questions on how often the respondents did certain things (e.g. use the internet, listen to radio programs or podcasts, write on discussion boards, use instant messaging applications). The respondents were also asked whether they used certain digital devices and services (e.g. smart phone, computer, broadband internet, smart watch) and how important these were for their everyday lives. The role of the internet in the respondents' everyday lives was explored by asking how important the internet was for them in terms of banking, booking doctor's appointments, purchasing products and services, and keeping in touch with others. The respondents' digital skills were charted by asking them, for example, whether they knew how to download and save files from the internet or clear their browser history. Additionally, views on the trustworthiness of internet sources and the ease of finding reliable information online were surveyed. The respondents were asked about the purposes for which they used social media, whether they knew what kind of information was appropriate to share on social media, and their membership in social media communities. Additionally, the respondents' use of different social media platforms and compulsive social media use were charted. Attitudes towards social media were examined with questions on, for example, whether the respondents were concerned about hate speech or fake news on social media, how they engaged with opinions that differed from their own on social media, and whether social media had made them feel pressure over their appearance. Civic participation was charted by asking the respondents whether in the last five years they had, for example, voted in parliamentary elections, taken part in a demonstration, donated money to charity or volunteered. Political party affiliation and the respondents' alignment on left-right and liberal-conservative political spectrums were also surveyed. Additionally, the respondents' views on various questions (e.g. the right to abortion, same-sex marriage, cuts to social security, dismantling the welfare state) and their trust in institutions (e.g. the government, the judicial system, politicians, the European parliament, news outlets) were investigated. The respondents' social relationships were examined with questions on how many friends they had on social media, how much they used social media to keep in touch with friends, how often they felt lonely, and how often they used social media to alleviate feelings of loneliness. Experiences of online harassment and bullying were also charted. The respondents were asked about their satisfaction with their body and appearance, and well-being was surveyed with statements on, for example, health, self-confidence, future expectations, and overall life satisfaction. Background information included the respondent's gender, year of birth , NUTS2 and NUTS3 regions of residence, marital status, household characteristics, level of education, occupation, sector of employment, and monthly household gross income.
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Typ av data


Tietoarkisto - Utgivare

Koivula, Aki - Upphovsperson

Saarinen, Arttu - Upphovsperson

Sivonen, Jukka - Upphovsperson


Övriga uppgifter





Öppen tillgång

Begränsad tillgång


Other (Not Open)


Information society, online services, Tietoyhteiskunta, mediankäyttö, Media, luottamus, sosiaaliset suhteet, Internet, social networks, trust, psychological well-being, viestintä, social interaction, mass media, citizen participation, media literacy, medialukutaito, mass media use, sosiaalinen media, verkkoyhteisöt, computer literacy, digitalisaatio, verkkopalvelut, social media, sisältötuotanto, verkkoviestintä, mediataidot, digitization, pikaviestiohjelmat, instant messaging


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