The effects of forestry on Fairy slipper (Calypso bulbosa)


Measurement information of fairy slipper bloom, non-flowered and pollinated individuals in southwestern Lapland (Tervola and Kemimaa) and from Finnish forestry agency's (Metsähallitus) logging experiment. Square 16m2 study areas have been set up on selection cutting areas of varying intensity. Additionally the material includes results from approximately 50 studyareas, compiled during years 2004-2010 in southwestern Lapland. Results comprise of coordinates of growth, reports, habitat information, temperature measurements, and information about defunct growth. Around May-June blooming and non-flowered individual counts were taken, and in July pollinated individuals were counted (capsule observation.) Additional measurements will be conducted for Priodiversity Life -project on chosen studyareas in the years 2025 and 2029. ### Variables koe = harvest study (1 = y 0 = n) koko = growth size 1) 1-10 ind. 2) 10-100 ind. 3) > 100 ind. sijainti = 1) forest-field at or near the edge, or at a small field copse. 2) surrounded by a forest etaukko = distance to cutting area in meters. If "sijainti = 2", then distance is marked at 100 m. syöty = plant level of damage (leaves eaten, subjectively on a scale of 1-4) lahopuu = if there is decayed logs on the ground in the area (on/ei; y/n) pienaukko = if in vicinity of clear-cut plot (on/ei; y/n) etpienaukko = distance to clear-cut plot, in meters m. ppakuusi = basal area spruce (50m radius) ppamanty = basal area pine (50m radius) ppalehtipuu = basal area leaf-trees (50m radius) keskilrkuusi = diameter at breast height spruce keskilrmanty = diameter at breast height pine keskilrlehtipuu = diameter at breast height leaf-trees hkuusi = dominant forest cover height spruce hmanty = dominant forest cover height pine hlehtipuu = = dominant forest cover height leaf-trees Pensaspeittokapro = bush coverage average % estimated on 10 areas, 9 at every direction around the area and 1 at the center. Bush < 50 cm woody plant. Bush coverage was estimated on a circle with a 2m radius. Latvuspeittokapro = crown coverage average % latvuspeitto keskiarvo % estimated on 10 spots, 9 at every direction around the area and 1 at the center. Spot is the center of a bush coverage circle. Crown coverage is observed through a toilet paper cartritdge = a cylinder w. diameter of 4,5cm and lenght of 11,2cm. Pensaspeittoruutupro = bush coverage at the area % Latvuspeittoruutupro = crown coverage above the area %
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Esa Huhta - Upphovsperson


Övriga uppgifter


Ekologi, evolutionsbiologi



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License Not Specified


metsänhoito, metsätalous, monimuotoisuus, orkideat, uhanalaiset kasvit


naturens mångfald, hållbart skogsbruk, utrotningshotade växter

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