Distinct frequencies balance segregation with interaction between different memory types within a prefrontal circuit
2023-05-30 This archive holds the original data used to derive the results reported in the publication: 'Distinct frequencies balance segregation with interaction between different memory types within a prefrontal circuit' Authors: Martina Bracco, Tuomas P. Mutanen, Domenica Veniero, Gregor Thut & Edwin M. Robertson Corresponding Author: Edwin M. Robertson Contact: edwin.robertson@glasgow.ac.uk Please refer to the License for the correct use of the data. If the use of this data leads to any public dissemination, including (but not restricted to) scientific articles, conference presentations, and posters, please remember to cite the original article. General Description The dataset is shared in BIDS format. To facilitate the upload of files to Zenodo, each subject folder was compressed separately. To ensure a valid bids structure of the dataset, extract the contents of each zip file and place them in the same directory as the other files from the dataset. By doing so, you will have all the necessary files in the correct structure for the BIDS format. Data type: raw TMS-EEG data organized in BIDS format, and epoched ±800 ms around the pulse. preprocessed motor skill and word recall data organized in BIDS format (.tsv = data file; .json = data description). Key to Filenames: sub = Participant ses-preLearning = Session 1 data folder ses-postLearnng = Session 2 data folder eeg = TMS-EEG data folder beh = behaviral data folder Participants: 45 healthy participants (30 females, 23.9±3.6 years; mean ± std) Groups: Participants were randomly assigned to three different groups with different behavioural conditions: - In the 'motorSkill'-group, participants performed a sequential motor-skill task followed by a wordlist memory task. (sub-01 to sub-15) - In the 'wordRecall'-group, participants performed a wordlist memory followed by a sequential task motor-skill task. (sub-16 to sub-30) - In the 'control'-group, participants performed a random motor-skill task followed by a wordlist memory task. (sub-31 to sub-45) TMS-EEG data description Stimulation sites: Right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (rDLPFC). Left primary motor cortex (lM1). Sessions: Session 1: TMS-EEG recordings before the behavioural tasks. Session 2: TMS-EEG recordings after the behavioural tasks. Number of TMS pulses: 126 pulses delivered to either DLPFC or M1 before, before and after behavioural tasks (a total of 252 pulses for Session 1 and Session 2, each). Inter-Stimulus Interval: 4-6 s (4.9±0.6 s, mean ± std). TMS intensity: 80% of participants' individual motor threshold. TMS machine: Magstim Rapid2, Magstim Company. Coil: figure-of-eight coil (Double 70-mm Alpha Coil). Number of channels: 62-channel EEG channels (AFz and TP9 are used as reference and ground, respectively) + 1 FDI EMG channel + 1 electrode on the outer canthus of the left eye to monitor eye movements. Sampling rate: 5000 Hz. Voltage resolution: 0.1 uV. EEG system: TMS-EEG compatible BrainAmp (Brain Products). Noise masking during TMS-EEG recordings: Yes. Memory tasks data description Motor skill task 'motorSkill'-group (sub-01 to sub-15): TestSerial; averaged response time of the last 50 serial trials immediately after learning. TestRandom; averaged response time for the 50 subsequent random trials immediately after learning. RetestSerial; averaged response time for the last 50 serial trials 10h after learning. RetestRandom; averaged response time for the 50 subsequent random trials 10h after learning. 'wordRecall'-group (sub-16 to sub-30): TestSerial; averaged response time for the last 50 serial trials immediately after learning. TestRandom; averaged response time for the 50 subsequent random trials immediately after learning. 'control'-group (sub-31 to sub-45): TestRandom; averaged response time of the last 100 random trials at testing. RetestRandom; averaged response time of the last 100 random trials 10h after the tasks. Word recall task 'motorSkill'-group (sub-01 to sub-15): Test; number of words recalled immediately after learning. 'wordRecall'-group (sub-16 to sub-30): Test; number of words recalled immediately after learning. Retest; number of words recalled 10h after learning. 'control'-group (sub-31 to sub-45): Test; number of words recalled immediately after learning.
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Paris Brain Institute - Medarbetare
University of Glasgow - Medarbetare
Zenodo - Utgivare
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