JYFL-ACCLAB-JR158 Identification of parity-doublet bands in odd-Z 223Pa using recoil alpha-decay tagging with Jurogam3, RITU, and GREAT
Data from an experiment to study excited states of the odd-Z N = 132 nucleus 223Pa. This nucleus
lies in light-actinide region of strong octupole correlations. At the time of the experiment, there were no known excited states in the nucleus 223Pa, but nine -ray transitions
have previously been assigned to the decay of its excited states. In the experiment, excited states of 223Pa were studied using gamma-ray spectroscopy with the
Jurogam3-RITU-GREAT set-up. Excited states in 223Pa were populated using the 208Pb(19F,4n)
reaction, with a beam energy of 110 MeV, for which the cross section was expected to be about
100 μb. The 223Pa evaporation residues were identified using the recoil-decay tagging method,
exploiting the decay of 223Pa [T1/2=4.9(5) ms, E =8014(5) keV, 8172(5) keV, b =100%].
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Jyväskylä universitet - Utgivare, Rättighetsinnehavare
Fysiikan laitos
Kokkonen, Henna - Upphovsperson
Ojala, Joonas - Upphovsperson
Ruotsalainen, Panu - Upphovsperson
Uusikylä, Eetu - Upphovsperson
University of Liverpool
Al Wadie, Norah - Upphovsperson
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