Three Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Cloud Time Series Measured Overnight in Finland in August and October 2016
This dataset consists of point cloud time series collected over three nights on the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) premises in 2016. The goal of the experiments was to monitor overnight structural changes of different target types in the scan site.
The experiment site was located in southern Finland (Kirkkonummi, 60˚09′40′′N, 24˚32′48′′W). The data collection dates were 23rd / 24th and 24th / 25th August, and 18th / 19th October. The August data were collected with leaf-on conditions and the October data with leaf-off conditions, respectively. In total, 30 different targets have been manually selected in the August data and 20 targets in the October data. Both natural and man-made objects have been selected.
Datasets include full time series of the individual targets, when they have been visible to the laser scanners, and the full combined composite point clouds with all points with extended intervals.
Auxiliary data with the target labels, scanner positions, and scan times are provided in separate files in each experiment folder.
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Lantmäteriverket - Utgivare, Rättighetsinnehavare
FGI Dept. of Remote sensing and photogrammetry
Övriga uppgifter
Geovetenskaper; Miljövetenskap; Ekologi, evolutionsbiologi; Byggnads- och samhällsteknik; Skogsvetenskap
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