Stone Age Rattle Reconstructed
Video showing a hypothetical reconstruction of tooth ornaments found in the Late Mesolithic graves of Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov, NW Russia. Ninety-four Eurasian elk teeth sewn on an apron hit and bounce off the substratum and adjacent tooth pendants as the bearer moves: first at real speed, then in slow motion (-75 %). The apron was made of elk incisors, artificial sinew string and cattle skin by Riitta Rainio, the robe was made of reindeer skin by Johanna Seppä. Video by Julia Shpinitskaya.
Supplementary material for the article:
Rainio, Riitta, Dmitry Gerasimov, Evgeny Girya & Kristiina Mannermaa 2021. "Prehistoric pendants as instigators of sound and body movements: A traceological case study from Northeast Europe, circa 8200 cal. BP." Cambridge Archaeological Journal.
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Julia Shpinitskaya - Rättighetsinnehavare, Upphovsperson
Kristiina Mannermaa - Rättighetsinnehavare, Upphovsperson
Riitta Rainio - Rättighetsinnehavare, Upphovsperson, Utgivare
Övriga uppgifter
Teater, dans, musik, övrig scenkonst; Historia och arkeologi
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