Promoting Health and Well-being of Children, Young People and their Families in Seinäjoki: Interviews and Workshop 2020


The dataset consists of interviews and workshop material on the promotion of well-being and health of children, young people and their families in the city of Seinäjoki. The dataset includes four interview transcriptions and six image files from the virtual Padlet workshop. In addition, a spreadsheet file (bgF3549.csv), which contains additional information about the workshop, was archived as part of the dataset. The data are part of the Healthy Kids of Seinäjoki project which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (project number A74909). The interviews and workshops charted the current state and development needs regarding the promotion of the well-being and health of children, young people and families with children in the city of Seinäjoki. The data were collected as part of the Healthy Kids of Seinäjoki project, which aims to ensure that all sectors of the city together with stakeholders (e.g. the third sector and private companies) contribute to the well-being and health of children, young people and families with children. The workshops were conducted on Teams utilising the Padlet platform. The participants of the workshop were instructed to write down their views on the promotion of the health and well-being of children, young people and families with children on the Padlet platform, which was followed by a vote on the most important comments. Background information included the interviewee's employment status. In addition to this qualitative dataset, a quantitative dataset, FSD3552 Promoting Health and Well-being of Children, Young People and their Families in Seinäjoki: Survey 2020, was produced as part of the project and deposited at FSD. The dataset is only available in Finnish.
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Typ av data


Kasanen, Maria - Upphovsperson

Kitinoja, Helli - Upphovsperson

Nissinen, Kaija - Upphovsperson

Tietoarkisto - Utgivare


Övriga uppgifter





Öppen tillgång

Begränsad tillgång


Other (Not Open)


Lapset, terveyden edistäminen, yhteistyö, General health and well-being, Yleinen terveydentila ja hyvinvointi, Children, nuoret, Youth, public services, families, hyvinvointi, julkiset palvelut, well-being (health), kehittäminen, perheet, well-being (society), development, ennaltaehkäisy, kaupunkiympäristö, urban environment, health promotion, lapset (ikäryhmät), adoslescents


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