Climate impact dataset for the food service sector
The restaurant industry plays a key role in promoting sustainable food consumption by offering sustainable meal options and shaping consumer preferences. To support the climate neutrality efforts of restaurants, the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) has produced an open climate impact dataset covering over 1,200 ingredients. This dataset includes the climate impacts of common ingredients found in the national Food Composition Database in Finland. The data has been produced using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which accounts for greenhouse gas emissions generated during the raw materials' life cycle, from the farm to wholesale distribution. The dataset covers both domestic and foreign production, and the published data contains the weighted average of these climate impacts. The system boundaries cover the impacts from cradle to wholesale, and the functional unit is 1 kilogram of product, as well as 100 grams of product. The climate impacts are assessed using the GWP (100) factors in accordance with the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.
The data has two different quality levels: generic climate impacts calculated for ingredients (approximately 600 products) and averages calculated for product categories based on this dataset (approximately 600 products). The quality of the data is indicated separately for each product. The dataset's identification numbers, and nomenclature are compatible with the national food composition database Fineli, maintained by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. A more detailed description of the background and methods used to produce the dataset has been published in a separate report (in Finnish).
### Variables
| Variable | Description |
| ---- | ---- |
| FOODID | Ingredient ID, same as Fineli ID (THL, 2019) |
| FOODNAME_FI | Ingredient name in Finnish, same as Fineli (THL, 2019) |
| FOODNAME_EN | Ingredient name in English, same as Fineli (THL, 2019) |
| FOODNAME_SV | Ingredient name in Swedish, same as Fineli (THL, 2019) |
| FUCLASS | Food use class, same as Fineli (THL, 2019) |
| IGCLASS | Ingredient class, same as Fineli (THL, 2019) |
| FUCLASS_substitute | Substitute Food use class, if the category does not have an average, what category has been used instead |
| kgCO2-eq/kg | Ingredient climate impact expressed as kg CO2-equivalent per kg |
| gCO2-eq/100 g | Ingredient climate impact expressed as g CO2-equivalent per 100 g |
| Data quality | Data quality, where Product means product-specific climate impact and Category means the average climate impact of the product group |
| Average_source | Tells whether the average is based on IGCLASS or FUCLASS classification |
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Typ av data
Naturresursinstitutet - Utgivare
Kim Lindfors - Upphovsperson
Merja Saarinen - Upphovsperson
Venla Kyttä - Upphovsperson
Virpi Vorne - Upphovsperson
Övriga uppgifter
Övriga jordbruksvetenskaper
engelska, finska, svenska
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