Appendices for Hakonen, A. (2021): Local communities of the Bothnian Arc in a prehistoric world
Nine appendices relating to the archaeology of Finland and Northern Sweden. Data compiled for and applied in a doctoral dissertation published in May 2021 by the University of Oulu (Open Access: and in related research papers.
Appendix 1 is a shoreline displacement chronology tool for coastal Northern Bothnian Gulf, based on Hakonen, 2017 and 2021.
Appendix 2 is list of excavated/partly excavated mortuary sites in Northern Bothnian Gulf region applied in Hakonen & Hakamäki, 2019.
Appendix 3 is a list of sites with dwelling depressions/prehistoric house pits in Finland and their numbers per site.
Appendix 4 is a list of sites with giant's churches in Finland, with verification assessments based on lidar.
Appendix 5 is a list of sites with possible cooking pits in Finland and their numbers per site.
Appendix 6 is a list of cooking pit related radiocarbon dates in the Bothnian coast of Finland between 1600 and 3000 BP.
Appendix 7 is a list of archaeological sites summarized in appendices 8 and 9, including spatial data.
Appendix 8 is the archaeological site record of the Lower Kemi-Torniojoki River region, with site descriptions arranged in shoreline phases, accompanied by epistemological assessments of temporal connections.
Appendix 9 is the archaeological site record of the Lower Oulujoki River region, with site descriptions arranged in shoreline phases, accompanied by epistemological assessments of temporal connections.
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